Spot Festival in Aarhus was the first to book their DJ set and they are looking forward to share music with more audiences. Be it a dance party or a listening party.
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About Phtalo
They started DJing as a 20 year old living in Barcelona and worked at the night club Moog. During the day, they plowed through vinyls at the local record stores. They mostly played for fun at small clubs, events, bars and also had a steady weekly at Cityhall where she played Electro. Then had a couple of trips to Berlin where she played Tresor and Berghain.
When they moved to Berlin, they founded their own imprint Wired Records and released their debut album Wired Stuff in 2005. They was focusing on producing their own music, while playing Live all over Europe. So they DJed only once in a while, and mostly at queer events in Berlin. For many years their DJ hat has been lying on the shelf, and just recently, back in January 2022, when starting their podcast My House In Your Haus, the fun joy of making playlists and mixing tracks, prompted their DJ hat off the shelf. Every month they upload a mix echoing the new episode of my podcast. Spot Festival in Aarhus was the first to book their DJ set and they are looking forward to share music with more audiences. Be it a dance party or a listening party.