Nikolaj Rosengreen

  • Instrumentalt
  • Nordisk
  • Sydeuropæisk



Sydspansk stemning med dansk tone på guitar
Sydspansk temperament og nordisk klang . Rosengreen blander en passende ret af Spansk flamenco og nordens tone til dagens koncert
Sydspansk stemning med dansk tone på guitar
Sydspansk temperament og nordisk klang . Rosengreen blander en passende ret af Spansk flamenco og nordens tone til dagens koncert
GENERAL / NODES / LIGHT Created with Sketch.

Book artist

  • Solo (45 min)
    Sydspansk stemning med dansk tone på guitar

4.000 DKK



Om artisten

Nikolaj Rosengreen er guitarist med fokus på den spanske flamenco guitar, og binder bro med den danske folke-musik/sang til Sydspansk flamenco. Han har akkompagneret til dans, film, teater og sanger. Her er han solo med sin guitar og historier.

Danish Guitarist/Composer/Actor
Born in West-jutland in Denmark.
Started playing the guitar and the piano at the age of 15, and playing in local rock- bands and moved into classical music. He combined rock and classical with the electric guitar and the church-organ. He has played and worked with many different styles, Classical, Metal, Blues,
African, Balkan, Electronic, Danish folk and World-music.
Educated in Church-organ and traditional folk-music at Carl Nielsen Academy, Odense and Global Music Master at Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus. Specialized in music from Scandinavia, Flamenco and
Reumert Award winning 2014 with the act “4EVER”. He has composed music for the theatre, Televison and documentary films. Have been a member of the jury panel in Palestine National Music Competition twice. Nominated at Danish World Awards 2008. Debut album ”World At Your
He has travelled and work with musicians from across the world.
Worked and played with musician : Ahmad-Al-Khatib (Palæstina), Essam Rafea (Syrien), Moslem Rahal (Syrien), Gimo Mendes (Mozambique), Moussa Diallo (Mali), Basiro Suso (Gambia), Jens Viggo Fjord (Danmark), African Footprint (Ghana), Gare Sazkar/Li Dine (Kurdistan/Danmark) José Suarez”El Torombo” (Spain), Eugenio Iglesisa (Spain), Maher Mahmoud (Syrien), Uso (DK), Thomas
Buttenshøn, Povl Dissing, Rasmus Dissing